Legacy Youth Zone - Croydon|

Summer 2019

Croydon Youth Zone, named by young people as ‘Legacy’, will be a purpose-built facility for the borough’s young people aged 8 – 19, and up to 25 for those with disabilities. The journey began when Croydon Council saw the amazing work being done in Youth Zones across the OnSide network and became determined to help young people in their borough in the same way

It will also be London’s third OnSide Youth Zone and will be located on Whitehorse Road, Croydon.

This infrastructure of facilities is based upon OnSide Youth Zones 21st Century Youth Facility Model and young people from across Croydon will have access to all these fantastic facilities for a cost of £5 for an annual membership and 50p per visit.

The Youth Zone will provide a safe environment where young people can come and enjoy themselves and will enable young people to raise their aspirations and confidence to create a happier and healthier generation.


Christmas 2018

The idea for We-Stap(We supply toiletries and menstrual products to Women in Need) was created many years ago, when I worked as a health visitor. I visited a client who lived with her partner and three children and was experiencing domestic abuse. Her partner did not buy her anything and would not give her any money either. I enquired how she managed when she started her menstrual cycle, to which she cried and told me that she only had to use toilet paper.

I was very shocked by this and decided to raise funds to purchase menstrual products for her.

I left the role and didn't know what happened to her. However, I knew she couldn't be the only woman experiencing this and felt I had to do something about it”. 

Jackie Morrison (Founder & Chair Person)

Christians Against Poverty
Summer 2018

We exist because nobody should be held hostage by debt and poverty. But the truth is that they are rife in the UK. In a society where people live behind closed doors, thousands are desperately poor. Unable to feed their children, incapable of paying to heat their homes in winter, the grip of poverty is relentless. It breaks families apart and drives many to think that suicide is the only solution.

UK poverty is real, with millions locked in its miserable grip. That’s why we’re aiming for 1,000 CAP centres covering the UK, each bringing life changing freedom and good news to people in desperate need. Always through the Church. Always hope.

To find our more about Christians against poverty please click here


Soul Symphony supported Christians against Poverty at their Summer 2018 concert and raised £553.48

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Sutton Mencap
Spring 2018

Sutton Mencap is a registered charity which supports local people with a learning disability.  We were set up by parent and carers of children with a learning disability in the 1950's and to begin with the charity was run entirely by volunteers who ran holiday clubs and carried out local campaigning and awareness raising.

Over the years the organisation has developed considerably and we are now the main provider of specialist leisure services in Sutton, supporting around 200 adults and 80 children and young people with a learning disability.  Our services enable people to learn new skills, develop friendships and have fun. 

To find our more about Sutton Mencap please click here

Soul Symphony supported Sutton Mencap at their spring concert 2018 and raised £529.25

The Honeypot Charity
Christmas 2017

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Since 1996 Honeypot has been working to enhance the lives of young carers and vulnerable children aged 5 – 12 years old. We are the only charity in the UK to provide respite breaks and on-going outreach support throughout a child’s formative years. Honeypot gives young carers a break from demanding and stressful responsibilities at home and provides a safe, nurturing environment where children at risk can develop their full potential.

To find out more about the Honeypot Charity please click here

Soul Symphony supported the Honeypot  Charity at their Christmas 2017 concert and raised £1008.00

This is the list of charities which Soul Symphony has been pleased to support over the years. To find out more please click on the charities Logo.



Nightwatch volunteers are out every night in the centre of Croydon giving food and other help to homeless and other vulnerable people. We can be found every night at 9.30pm in the Queen’s Gardens, by Fell Road.

Our core activity is providing direct support for homeless people and others in need. We help people at every level of homelessness, from the street homeless to those in hostels and bed and breakfast accommodation and vulnerable former homeless people who need continuing support if they are not to become homeless again.

Off the Record - Youth Counselling

Off the Record (OTR) Youth Counselling Croydon was founded in 1994 to provide free, independent and professional counselling for 14 – 25 year olds in the Croydon area. Since then the charity has expanded to include further areas of work including BME mental health work; a young carers service offering support to young people under 26 who are caring for a parent or sibling; a specialist counselling service for young refugees; online counselling and workshops; and our young people's counselling service in the boroughs of Sutton and Merton.


Lives Not Knives was founded by Eliza Rebeiro in 2007 as a campaign to make people aware of the dangers of knife crime. It has since moved towards supporting young people into education, employment and training.

LNK works with a broad range of young people up to the age of 24, as well as a great number of local businesses – forging the connection between young people and prospective employers. The charity aims to assist young people by developing their skills, capacities and capabilities to enable them to participate in society as independent, mature and responsible individuals.

The LNK team comprises of highly motivated individuals with a passion for improving the life chances of young people and use their skills and experience with dedication and professionalism.

MacMillan Cancer Support

The Macmillan Cancer Information and Support Service has been developed as a joint venture between Macmillan Cancer, Croydon Health Services, Citizens Advice Centre, South East Cancer Help Centre and people with cancer.

The information centre is designed to help make sure that anyone affected by cancer has free access to good quality information and emotional and practical support.


Jigsaw4u is a charity that provides a wide variety of services across five London Boroughs. You may know of us as a result of our bereavement counselling, or maybe you have a Jigsaw4u Home School Links worker in your school. But there’s more to us than meets the eye.

Daniel Spargo-Mabbs Foundation

The Foundation was started by Dan's parents, Tim & Fiona Spargo-Mabbs, to try and prevent other families from having to go through the pain of losing a child, and to stop the damage done by drugs to young lives. The Foundation aims to do as much as it can to make young people aware of the risks of substance misuse and experimentation.We are working with young people, their teachers and their parents and carers, and with other professionals working with young people, in schools and colleges and through Theatre in Education. 

Fight Hard for Rashard

Rashard Henry, who needs treatment for his brain tumour (Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma). This very rare type of tumour presents in 1/600,000 people. This is an inoperable brain tumour as it is located in the cerebellum. The tumour is in the most sensitive area of the brain, the area that operates moving, breathing, blood pressure and heart beat.

AfrICAN Caribbean Leukaemia Trust (ACLT)

ACLT is a 30+ times award winning charity committed to providing hope to patients living with blood cancer and illnesses where a matched donor (stem cell, blood or organ) is required to save a life. Our work is driven by a belief that no one should die waiting for a donor to become available.


South East London ME
(Myalgic Encephalomyelitis)
Support Group

We are a group run for and by people (or carers of people) with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME), also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), in the South East London area. The group aims to ease the suffering and isolation of people with this debilitating and still poorly understood condition. Prolonged illness and disability mean that most sufferers have had to give up work and a normal social life, so a sense of isolation is common. Our aim is to provide services and opportunities to bring members together in a mutually supportive local network. Members vary widely in the severity of their illness so we try to provide a range of services to suit differing needs and preferences.

The National Autistic Society

The National Autistic Society is a British charity for autistic people. The purpose of the organisation is to improve the lives of autistic people in the United Kingdom. They provide information and support and pioneering services and campaign for a better world for autistic people

Mind in Croydon

Mind in Croydon is working to promote good mental health. It seeks to empower people to lead a full life as part of their local community. To achieve these aims Mind:

  • Educates and provides services
  • Campaigns and raises funds
  • Works in partnership with other relevant organisations
  • Values diversity and focuses on quality
  • Involves service users and other volunteers in its work